E Evangelism (Winning the unsaved for Christ)
C Caring (Edification, loving one another)
L Learning (Spiritual growth through Biblical study
Whereas the ladies of the Churches of Christ in Christian Union represent a vital and significant segment of our constituency;
And whereas the ladies of the Churches of Christ in Christian Union have already banded together for mutual efforts, projects, and ministries for our denomination;
And, whereas this fellowship of ladies is already becoming known as the Evangelical Christian Ladies (ECL);
Be it resolved that leadership and ministries for the Evangelical Christian Ladies will be established on the following basis;
I. That a General Evangelical Christian Ladies Committee be established.
1. This committee shall consist of a chairperson, appointed by the General Board of Trustees, one (1) member from each district ECL appointed by the District Board, two (2) elected by the members of the ECL at their annual meeting, and two (2) elected by the General Council to a four (4) year term office, one (1) to be elected each general council. The General Superintendent shall serve as an advisory member of this committee.
a. Both appointed and elected members of this committee shall serve for a four (4) year term unless removed for cause.
b. No member of the ECL committee shall be salaried except by approval of the General Board of Trustees:
2. The duties of this committee shall be to promote the following objectives:
a. To assist in the spreading of the Gospel of Christ in its entirety, among all people of the earth, for the benefits of both saint and sinner.
b. To provide supportive services to all levels, departments, and ministries of the Churches of Christ in Christian Union.
c. To promote specialized ministries and services for women associated with the Churches of Christ in Christian Union.
This is to embrace:
-Specific efforts to train, equip, and motivate women for evangelistic outreach.Selection and promotion of supportive projects for the betterment of the various levels, departments, and ministries of the Churches of Christ in Christian Union,Supervision of programs, retreats, banquets, seminars, or other such functions, which serve the spiritual, inspirational, or mutual needs of the members of the organization.
3. The membership of this organization shall be as follows:
Although all ladies participating in an Church of Christ in Christian Union are welcome to participate in ECL activities, only those ladies who hold membership in the local church and who have paid the currently prescribed dues to the local chapter shall vote in local ECL business meetings, and only active members shall hold office and/or serve as a chairperson of a committee.
4. This committee may retain a reasonable percentage of funds raised through special projects, services, or ministries provided at the general level in order to underwrite the costs of promoting such functions at the general level.
5. The general ECL officers shall establish annual dues which shall be distributed proportionately to each level of the ECL as designated by the General ECL officers and approved by the General Board of Trustees.
6. The General Treasurer of the Churches of Christ in Christian Union shall serve as treasurer of all General ECL funds.
7. The officers shall establish such internal organization and appoint such committees, standing or special, which they deem necessary to achieve their stated objectives.
II. That District Evangelical Christian Ladies Committees be established.
This committee shall consist of five (5) members and the District Superintendent in an advisory capacity. The chairperson shall be appointed by the District Board of Trustees to serve on a biennial basis with two (2) members elected by the district council and two (2) elected by the ECL district membership at an annual function. The members that are elected by the district council shall serve for a two (2) year term; one (1) to be elected at each council. All members of the committee will serve on a biennial basis unless removed by cause.The duties of this committee shall be to work with the general and local ECL committee to fulfill the stated objectives and ministries of the ECL and to promote such activities at the district level.This committee may retain a reasonable percentage of funds raised through special projects, services, or ministries provided at the district level in order to underwrite the costs of promoting such functions at the district level.The district treasurer shall serve at the treasurer of all district ECL funds.The officers shall establish such internal organization and appoint such committees, standing or special, which they deem necessary to achieve their stated objectives.
III. That Local Church Evangelical Ladies Committees be established.
Each church shall have an Evangelical Christian Ladies Committee (ECL) which shall cooperate with the general and district ECL objectives and ministries.This committee shall be comprised of the pastor, and three (3) other persons, one (1) appointed by the official board of the local church, one (1) elected by the church members at the annual business meeting, and one (1) elected by the local ECL chapter.All committee members must be members of the local church where they serve.All appointed and elected committee members shall serve on an annual basis unless removed for cause.
The pastor and committee shall designate the chairperson of the committee who will serve on an annual basis.This committee may retain a reasonable percentage of funds raised through special; projects, services, or ministries provided at the local level to underwrite the costs of promoting such functions at the local level.The third elder of the local church shall serve as treasurer of all local ECL functions.The officers shall establish such internal organization and appoint such committees, standing or special, which they deem necessary to achieve their stated objectives.
Getting Started
You will need to elect the following officers:
1. Chairperson (Leader of President)
Duties: Overseer of all ECL activities. She would plan events for the church calendar year. She should consult the committee on planning the year's activities.
2. Vice Chairperson
Duties: Program Chairperson. Sees that monthly meetings run smoothly.
3. Secretary
Duties: Records all minutes of ECL meetings. Does any necessary correspondence.
4. Recording Treasurer
Duties: Record all funds taken in by ECL (if your church requires it, turn all monies over to Third Elder). Present an up-to-date financial report at each ECL Committee Meeting.
Annual Love Offering
It is suggested that each church take an annual love offering to be forwarded to the General ECL Deptartment, 1553 Lancaster Pike, Circleville, Ohio. The date for such an offering would be at the discretion of the local church. The purpose of the offering is to enable the General ECL Department to better provide for such things as the General ECL banquet, communication to the local churches as well as other denominational functions in which ladies could be involved.