Dear Prayer Supporters,
The General Missionary Department sends out a weekly email with the latest praises, prayer requests, and updates from our missionaries each Wednesday. This email, called "TiPS" (Together in Prayerful Supplication), is one of the best ways to stay connected with our missionaries.
If you would like to receive the weekly TiPS emails, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and let us know you would like to receive these emails.
The prayers of the Church are the primary fuel for all missionary endeavors. Please join us in prayer for the needs of our missionaries below. Passionate prayer changes the world.
Thank you for your fervent Great Commission prayers!
Trusting Him,
Michael Tipton
General Missionary Superintendent
Missionaries available for services, events, & small group meetings:
-Shawn & Bethany Waugh (Papua New Guinea) 740-571-7830
-Tom Amlin (U.S. Southwest Ministries) 937-631-0122
-Teresa Bowman (Texas-Mexico Border) 937-509-7918
-Mike & Donna Brown (Bolivia) 765-603-0179
-Butch & Leatha Jenkins (Special Assignment) 740-601-0942
-Greg & Teresa Leeth (Pastors to Missionaries) 740-804-1084
-Barb Thomas (Member Health/The Americas Region) 614-556-9517
Other Available Missionary Speakers:
-Dr. Mary Hermiz (Interim Missionary Supt. and former missionary) 740-777-7661
-Rev. Elmer Hines (Work Teams) 740-983-3771
-Dr. David Lattimer (Missionary Evangelist) 740-497-9410
-Rev. Scott Polley (168 IF ministry leader) 614-558-3790
-Rev. Michael Tipton (General Missionary Superintendent) 740-474-8856
Lending Library Information - The library is operated by the Christian Education Department.
You may request a resource by calling 937-695-0025 or e-mailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Please order your items at least two weeks before they are needed.