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CCCU Resources for You
CCCU Manual
$15 for the paperback version. $5 for binder insert only. Every leader, minister, and lay leader should have a copy of the latest Manual.
This publications is essential for all individuals involved at the local, district, and general levels of The CCCU.
CCCU Yearbook 2023-2024 Edition
The 2023-2024 Yearbook is now available. $20 for complete book, $15 for insert only or $10 for electronic version. Electronic version may not be copied or reproduced. To order ONLY the electronic version, contact Abbie at 740/420-5521.
CCCU Yearbook 2023-2024 INSERT
Living Legacies
A brief history of the CCCU.
Required reading for ministerial students and a "must read" for every CCCU member.
Make this book part of your membership orientation.
What We Teach
A summary statement of the doctrines and theology of The Churches of Christ in Christian Union.
A great resource for visitor packets and for new converts, discipleship and spiritual personal development.
A Walk Through the Church
A quick introductory overview of The Churches of Christ in Christian Union.
A great resource for visitor packets.
Entire Sanctification Explained
This pamphlet by Dr. Thomas Hermiz is a great resource to help people understand the importance of entire sanctification.
Adventure with Jesus
Dr. Mary E. Hermiz said, "YES!" to an adventure with Jesus! From Papua New Guinea to Kenya, kids will follow Mary's journey in this exciting book.
Dreams Do Come True
Richard & Betty Morse were instrumental in the development of Tenwek Hospital in Kenya, one of the premier mission hospitals in the world. As the second physician at Tenwek, Dr. Morse has impacted thousands of lives.
The Farmer Said, "Yes!"
A farmer in America and his wife did what God wanted them to do. Because of Donald and Twana Hawk's decision, many people in Honduras came to know the love of God!
The Land Time Forgot And God Remembered
Deep in the bush of Papua New Guinea lay a valley with thousands of people who had never the Good News. God placed a call upon the hearts of Don and Betty Seymour to tell these people about Jesus. Through an exciting (and sometimes scary!) ministry, a wonderful spiritual harvest has been reaped!
The Language of Love
Being a missionary kid (MK) is a life filled with adventure! MK Bethany loves learning about a new culture, but she wonders why God caller her family to travel around the world to tell others about Jesus. Experience adventures with Bethany while finding out the answer to her question in Language of Love.