The South Central District met Friday, July 15th, 2022, for its 63rd annual District Council at Nipgen Camp in Nipgen, Ohio. Ministers, delegates, and district officials gathered to elect officers for the coming Council terms. Many significant votes were taken. Results are listed below.
Elected to following offices were:
Nominating Committee: Rev. Jay Neff (Chair), Dr. Larry Olson, Rev. Ben Polley, Rev. Mike Schlaegel, Mrs. Suzanne Huffman, Mr. Mark Taylor, Mr. John Born, Rev. Mark Clendaniel, and Rev. Hector Torres.
Assistant District Superintendent: Rev. Doug Campbell
District Board of Trustees: Rev. Michael Blevins, Rev. David Marhoover, & Rev. Aaron Long
District Board of Examination and Ordination: Rev. Michael Tipton
District Church Extension Committee: Mrs. Naomi Dean
District Pastoral Relationship Board: Rev. Jay Neff
District Missionary Committee Member: Ms. Agnes Spurgeon
SCD Evangelical Christian Youth (ECY) Vice President: Rev. Ben Polley
SCD ECY Secretary: Mrs. Hannah Weaver
SCD ECY Member-at-Large: Rev. Andrew Hottinger
District Christian Education Committee: Mrs. Emily Buchanan
Camp Meeting Committee: Rev. Wayne Hiles & Mr. John Jenkins
District Evangelical Christian Ladies (ECL) Committee: Mrs. Tammy Timmons