The West Central District met Saturday, July 12th, 2014 for its annual District Council at Lighthouse Ministries in Columbus, Ohio. Ministers, delegates, and district officials gathered to elect officers for the coming Council terms. Many significant votes were taken. Results are listed below.
Elected to following offices were:
Assistant District Superintendent: Dan Jordan
District Board of Trustees: David Case, Dan Tipton, & David Allison
District Board of Examination and Ordination: Donovan Blankenship
District Church Extension Committee: Dean Hawk
Pastoral Relationship Board: Mel Truex
District Missionary Committee: Don Seymour
WCD ECY Vice-President: John Burr
WCD ECY Secretary: Alyssa Tabor
WCD ECY Advisory Pastor: Ryan Bash
WCD ECY Member-at-Large: Liz Nunnally
District Christian Education Committee: Jeremy Olson
Camp Meeting Committee: Tracy Dague, Chris Newland
District ECL Committee: Shirley McDaniel