The Churches of Christ in Christian Union met Tuesday, June 19th, and Wednesday, June 20th, 2018, for the 36th General Council at Ohio Christian University in Circleville, Ohio. Ministers, delegates, and denominational officials elected officers and considered resolutions for the coming Council terms. Many significant votes were taken.
Elected to following offices were:
2020 Nominating Committee: Philip Tipton (Chair), Bowles Taitt, Mark Barth, Kevin Behrer, Jonathan Morgan, Rhonda Slark, Betty Seymour, David Uhl, & Joy Miller.
General Superintendent Election: Rev. Mike Holbrook
Assistant General Superintendent Election: Rev. Gary Heimbach
General Board of Trustees: Dr. David Case, Rev. Bruce Morrison, Rev. Bowles Taitt
General Missionary Board: Mr. Bill Bonham, Mr. Tim Hawk
Ohio Christian University Board of Trustees: Dr. Connie Bowman, Mr. Randy Kneece, & Dr. Dan Tipton
General Church Extension Committee: Rev. Dan Jordan
General Board of Examination and Ordination: Dr. David Lattimer
General Evangelical Christian Youth Board - Treasurer: Ms. Elizabeth Rutkowski
General Evangelical Christian Youth Board - Advisory Pastor: Rev. Donald Craft
General Christian Education Committee: Rev. Mark Barth
General Camp Meeting Committee: Ms. Sonja Barnwell, Rev. Pat Burnett, Mr. Tom Fletcher, Rev. Warren Goble, Rev. Aaron Long
Retirement Plan Committee: Mr. Bill Bonham
General Evangelical Christian Ladies Committee: Ms. Crystal Spriggs